Dear IFHE "A" National members,
IFHE letter titled INVITATION TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO ORGANISE 25th CONGRESS IN YEAR 2018 was sent out in October 2013. In terms of the Standing Orders, applications from eligible "A" National members were to be made in the period 12 April to 12 June 2014.
Three submissions sent via e-mail have been received by the IFHE Administrative Secretariat. The application documents are being reviewed by the IFHE General Secretary in regard to validity and adequacy.
IFHE Standing Order S.O.11.2g. states that the applicant 'A' Member agrees:
5. to circulate its submission documents, by e-mail if possible, to at least all ‘A’ Member Secretaries as well as the IFHE General Secretary, who, if necessary, may request an applicant to provide clarification and/or additional documentation to enable organisations to give thorough consideration to the applications, and to brief their Council representatives accordingly.
To ensure thorough distribution, the Administrative Secretariat herewith e-mails to all National member secretariats’ principal addresses a copy of each of the primary application documents. The applicants, if they have not already done so, are at liberty to circulate their full submissions, including supporting letters, etc.
This letter also informs you that the General Secretary, in terms off the above standing order, is considering whether to request clarification and additional information. If he so decides, the General Secretary will address a questionnaire in this regard to each of the applicants, and, if necessary, convey to all National members any further information, which may assist members in making a well-informed selection, and accordingly instruct their representatives to the Council meeting.
Applicants, who have been advised in advance that Council will consider their submissions, will be given opportunity, at the meeting on 12 October 2014, to make a brief verbal presentation, preferably conducted by the prospective "Second Vice President". This will be followed by a question period. Decision by Council will be based on the outcome of votes cast by eligible "A" National Members represented at the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Gunnar Baekken,
IFHE General Secretary
Attached documents:
1. IFHE 25th Congress 2018 Application IHEEM UK
2. IFHE 25th Congress 2018 Application IHEA Australia
3. IFHE 25th Congress 2018 Application SIAIS Italy