Dear colleagues
COVID 19 is a worldwide problem, a war against an invisible and dangerous enemy.
On behalf of our IFHE-EU president Pete Sellars ( CEO IHEEM) ,
please find his note about IHEEM, IFHE-EU and IFHE international support
to collect your experiences and solutions and send this to following
emailaddress ( IHEEM):
You will find all results in the two weekly newsletter Covid 19 produced by Andy Wavell ( IHEEM / IFHE joint general secretary).
Please forward this information to all your members via your
secretariats asking for a fast follow up and response/giving
information to this IHEEM email address.
Please keep in mind: We all can learn from each other, now at this moment but also in the future.
So: Help each other.
Thank you very much for your support , information and understanding.
Keep it safe and healthy
Best regards
Paul Merlevede
General secretay IFHE-EU
(Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash)
Read the letter from IFHE-EU-president Peter Sellars to IFHE-president Darryl Pitcher