
Per E. Paasche (1943-2013)

IFHE has received the following sad message about one of our dedicated members.

Per Paasche, loving husband of Nancy Paasche of New Maryland, NB passed away suddenly on December 16th, 2013 at the Saint John Regional Hospital.  He is survived by his wife; his children, Ingrid (Barry Hansen) and John Anthony (Kendra O’Hara) and four grandchildren, Jake, Jesse, Jensen and Halden.

Per was born on March 21, 1943 and raised in Bergen, Norway. He was involved in the University there and was a ski instructor when he met Nancy in 1966.  He then came to Canada in May 1967 and went to Dalhousie University. In 1968 Per and Nancy married and had their twins, Ingrid and John Anthony in 1974.  Per lived in Fredericton and worked as a Hospital Engineer until he retired in 2008.

Visitation will be held at McAdam’s Funeral Home on Friday, December 20th, 2013 from 2-4 & 6-8 pm. The funeral service will be on Monday, December 23rd, 2013 at 2:00 pm at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Nasonworth with a reception to follow. Rev. Canon Bruce McKenna will officiate.  For those who wish donations made to the church building fund would be appreciated by the family. 

Source: www.mcadamsfh.com


The CHES Maritime Chapter Chair has put together the following for use on IFHE.info:

Per Paasche, loving husband of Nancy Paasche of New Maryland, NB passed away suddenly on December 16th, 2013 at the Saint John Regional Hospital.  He is survived by his wife; his children, Ingrid (Barry Hansen) and John Anthony (Kendra O’Hara) and four grandchildren, Jake, Jesse, Jensen and Halden.

Per was born on March 21, 1943 and raised in Bergen, Norway. He was involved in the University there and was a ski instructor when he met Nancy in 1966.  He then came to Canada in May 1967 and went to Dalhousie University. In 1968 Per and Nancy married and had their twins, Ingrid and John Anthony in 1974.

Per was a Professional Engineer since 1977 and has a  B.Sc.degree for Dalhousie University and Master Degree MEng. From Nova Scotia Technical College. Per has worked for University of New Brunswick, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and has provide over 31 years Clinical Engineering expertise to all the Hospital in New Brunswick associated with the Provincial Department of Health. He was also involved on the final commissioning of countless hospital in the Province and her retired in 2008

Per became a member of CHES in 1983 and was involved along with George Seeley in establishing the Maritime CHES Chapter. He has been involved since then with both the Maritime Chapter and  the National Chapter. Per served as the National Secretary form 2006-2010 and also as Chair of the Communication Committee during that time.

He was also involved in the continuous development of the CHES web page.  He represented CHES and NB Department of Health on many CSA committees since 1979 including Strategic Steering Committee on Health Care Technologies, Canadian Electrical Code Part I “ Patent Care Areas”, Z32 Electrical Safety and Essential Systems in Health Care Facilities, HVAC in Health Care Facilities, Z8000 Committee Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities, Z8002 Committee Operation and Maintenance of Health Care Facilities, Chair CSA Technical Committee on Application of Electricity in Health Care, Health Care Facilities Sterilization, Plumbing in  Health Care Facilities, Infection Control During Construction and Renovation and many more Technical sub -committee to mention.

