
Winners of the IFHE Energy Awards

The International Federation of Healthcare Engineering is very pleased to announce the winners in its inaugural Healthcare Energy Awards Program.

Healthcare Engineers are the people who plan, design, equip, construct, and operate the health facilities of this world.
In so doing, we are protecting the health of the communities we serve, both at a local scale, and, because of the changing climate, at a global scale.

The awards program recognizes all healthcare facilities who drop their energy consumption at least 5% over a two-year period (matching the two-year period between IFHE Council Meetings).

IFHE launched our program in 2020, at the virtual Council meeting in Rome.
For this first ever awards program, almost 1000 hospitals from around the world submitted their data.

194 buildings qualified for the 5% reduction award.
These remarkable organizations can be found HERE.

In addition to the 5% awards, 87 of our entries reduced their energy consumption by more than 10% over the same time frame.
These remarkable organizations can be found HERE.

This round of the awards saw entries from four different countries:

Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United States.

IFHE recognized the facility and/or team in each country that achieved the greatest reduction over the time period.

The four Best in Country awards went to:

  • Australia: Ramsay Health Care, Hollywood Private Hospital, 18% energy reduction
  • Canada: Providence Healthcare, Brock Fahrni Pavilion, 43% energy reduction
  • South Africa: Mediclinic Southern Africa, Mediclinic Gariep, 30% energy reduction
  • United States: Kaiser Permanente, Vallejo Hospital Team 64.% energy reduction at their CDRP facility and 24% reduction at Vallejo Hospital Campus


Finally, IFHE recognized the Best in World award.
IFHE awarded the Best in World Award to Kaiser Permanent. Kaiser had the five facilities that exhibited the largest percentage reduction including a small medical office and large medical office building that each achieved a 64% reduction. Specifically, IFHE recognizes the Vallejo Hospital Campus team for the 64% energy reduction at their CDRP facility and 24% reduction at Vallejo Hospital Campus, the largest reduction for facilities over 500,000sf.

But, most important, are our collective impact.
Together, our award winners achieved a 15% aggregate energy reduction. We eliminated the consumption of 5.3 million therms, and 44 million kwh of electricity. Together, we reduced enough emissions to be equivalent to taking 11,000 cars off the road.

This awards program clearly shows the remarkable work that the members of IFHE accomplish. It shows, too, the power of acting collectively. And that is the point, when it comes to climate change. None of us can win this alone; the only way that any of us will win is for ALL of us to win.

The IFHE is very proud to recognize the remarkable work of all of our members. We give special congratulations to these heroes for the climate in our first ever awards program.

The next iteration of IFHE awards will shift to a focus on carbon reduction. Again, we will use free on-line tools that will try to make data entry easy, and will provide analytics back that we hope will be useful to our members. These upgraded (because of the shift to carbon) tools will launch soon, so stay tuned!!

We will announce the next group of winners in 2024, at the Cape Town, South Africa Congress.

